Friday, February 20, 2009

SWAT, a safe heaven of Taliban

Recently, you might have heard about the peace deal that the Pakistani Government has signed with the Taliban militants, who have occupied a large junk of the North Western Frontier of Pakistan.

One might question as to what necessitated the Pakistani Government to have a peace deal all of a sudden and hurry with the Taliban militants. Their might be many facets to this, but what largely one would agree upon is that the Taliban had taken over a large junk of area in the North Western Frontier, which constitutes nearly about 40% of Pakistan. This left Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan, exposed to attack and an eminent take over.

If we can remember, it just took six hours for Major General Parvez Musharaf to take over the country. I do not think it will be that difficult to Taliban to take over Islamabad and the whole country. Probably, it is this eminent danger that made the Pakistani Government, along with the consent from US, Mr. Holbrook, sign the peace treaty with Taliban.

Every one of us is aware of what Taliban is all about and with what ideology it was created. I do not know for how many days the peace treaty will last, but to be very true, Pakistan is at the brink of getting engulfed by the militia which it created and abated. It is not only the current Pakistani Government that needs to be blamed for bringing Pakistan to such a situation, but it is the consecutive past governments who designed and implemented Foreign Policies that created and abated terrorism in the neighboring states. The whole ideology of this Foreign Policy was to keep India at the tenterhooks. The initial success that the Pakistan Government got in Punjab and Kashmir made to think that they can rule the world with a gun, the result of which what Pakistani is suffering today.

Not only Pakistan, to an extent United States of America, mainly the Bush administration needs to be blamed for the current scenario. When US (the Bush administration) joined hands with Pakistan (terrorist abating nation) in the fight against terrorism, it not only made mockery of itself but also falsified its own people by telling them that Pakistan’s partnership is all but necessary to vanish the menace of terrorism. While sleeping with the enemy, the US Government was fully aware of the fact that the Pakistani Government is the creator (godfather) of Taliban and will continue to help them whenever they get the opportunity to do so.

Wholly if one tries to conclude as to why Pakistan is in such a situation, the Foreign Policies and the greed of the U.S. to sell its military armory and make itself rich along with the lack of ideology in Pakistan is what stands out.

Today, it is not only Pakistan that is in danger but ultimately it is India which is now pretty much exposed to attack and infiltration from Taliban.

As per figures, Taliban is just 300 km from Islamabad and 780 km from the Indian city of Punjab. What this means? This means that the Taliban can attack India without much difficulty.

The possibility of Taliban using Nuclear Weapon against India is more as the Taliban and Al-Quida have grown frustrated as they have not been able to launch a single terrorist attack on the soil of America, after 9/11. For Taliban and Al-Quida, India is the soft target to vent their anger and frustration.

Looking at the current economic scenario and turmoil with which Pakistan is going through, occupation of Pakistan by Taliban seems to be all but a distant and true possibility. If this happens, then God Save and Bless India.

Let us hope Gob blesses India with victory and success.

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